We discuss how we have represented particular social groups in our film by doing a directors commentary. We discuss each character in depth then compare to other real films.
- Megan Herzl (32)
- Deborah Akinkuolie (26)
- Sophie Butcher (26)
- Planning (19)
- Production (10)
- Evaluation (8)
- Video Diaries (7)
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Q4- Who would be the audience for your media product?
We made a collage of visuals to represent the types of audience that our film is most attracted to.
Friday, 15 March 2013
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Q6- Technology
How have you learnt about technologies from construct your film?
In this video Sophie and Megan discuss how and what we learnt from using technology such as camera, final cut, Photoshop, YouTube and Go-Animate.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Q5- How did you attract your audience?
We added annotations to our film which we published on youtube on how we attracted our audience. We discuss the choice of sound, mis-en-scene, enigma code, certificate and our justification as to how we have attracted particular types of audience.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Q1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
We analyzed nine stills from our film to demonstrate and discuss how our film challenges conventions of film openings and thrillers.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Final Cut Feedback
This is the feedback we got for the final cut of our film, 'Chasing Shadows', which is a mid-level 4. We discuss the reasons as to why we believe this is, having looked at the mark scheme.
*Sophie was absent this day
Friday, 1 March 2013
Monday, 25 February 2013
Rough Cut Survey
We are collected feedback for our rough cut using Survey Monkey in order to make improvements for our final product
Click here to view our Rough Cut Survey
Most of the data we collected were from males aged 18-25 who were our main target audience, and most of them understood and were interested in finding out more. They thought the titles were clear but not very clear, which is ideal as we wanted the titles to blend in a little into the clip. The responses were positive, but it is clear that improvements need to be made. It was pointed out that there is no soundtrack so we must ensure we add that, and the unwanted text should also be removed.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Editting evidence
Megan as she was adding titles to our group rough cut.
Sophie editting and colourgrading the extra scenes we added.
Debbie searching for foley and sounds to use in our film.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Friday, 8 February 2013
Individual Edit Evaluation
Here we discuss and compare our individual edits and how we aim to improve our film in our final edit and how we will split the workload.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Difficulties whilst filming
Whilst we were filming we came across some difficulties which prevented us from filming. We discuss the problems we face and how we have resolved them. After shooting part of our film we were asked to leave so we resolved to finishing our shoot in the school parking lot without making the location known. Although the lighting is different in these shots we can adjust the lighting and make the locations blend using colour grading.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Monday, 21 January 2013
Final Script
This is our final script we will follow to create our film opening- it was built upon and improved by our original draft. We decided not the shoot the second part of our film due to the extra time we require and difficulty to get permission for our location- in which case only 2 of our 4 actors are required. This also means however that we can put more time and effort into the first part of our thriller opening and have a better outcome. The alterations from our original draft include a shot of the assistant walking out of the shot to create a more dramatic ending to the scene. It is from this shot this scene the audience will learn the mystery assassins power and control.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Permission evidence
These print screens are evidence that we have contacted persons in order to recieve permission to shoot on the location and whether we receive our missionhave contactted Katrina, the head of reception, in order to recieve permission for shooting in the corridoors. She was unable to give us this permission and we are currently awaiting a reply as to who we need to contact to get permission.

We have contacted the head of the art department to get permission for shooting in the lighting room but we are still awaiting confirmation as to whether we can shoot.
We have got permission to shoot in the small room beside admin as our backup to the lighting room, as well as the Chaucer Corridors and stairs incase we do not recieve the permission for the stairs by reception.
We have contacted Bexleyheath Council so we can use their parking lot to feature in our film, as well as Dartford, as our back up location, should bexley refuse our requrequest.
Risk Assesment

This table shows that I have considered what risks may occur during our film shoot, whether we are inside a building or working in more 'local' areas. I have also measured the severity of any of the presumed actions, and given a solution, to stop any unwanted risks to occur. So far I am only able to think of a certain amount risks that could occur.
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