These print screens are evidence that we have contacted persons in order to recieve permission to shoot on the location and whether we receive our missionhave contactted Katrina, the head of reception, in order to recieve permission for shooting in the corridoors. She was unable to give us this permission and we are currently awaiting a reply as to who we need to contact to get permission.

We have contacted the head of the art department to get permission for shooting in the lighting room but we are still awaiting confirmation as to whether we can shoot.
We have got permission to shoot in the small room beside admin as our backup to the lighting room, as well as the Chaucer Corridors and stairs incase we do not recieve the permission for the stairs by reception.
We have contacted Bexleyheath Council so we can use their parking lot to feature in our film, as well as Dartford, as our back up location, should bexley refuse our requrequest.
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